Happy Measure A Penis day !
Who You gonna Measure ?
Okay, it’s a holiday we made up. We frequently get questions from people how to measure or how to bring up measuring in a conversation. So why not dedicate a whole day for it? Kicking off Condom Month, Measure a Penis Day is the perfect day to say FU to uncomfortable condoms—and to uncomfortable conversations about condoms.
Whether you’ve got a penis on your body or in your life, it can be awkward to talk to a partner about penis size and condom fit. But it shouldn’t be—and now it won’t. Check out some tips below, including advice from myONE customers. With 60 condom sizes, it’s time to measure for pleasure.
Does size matter?
Well, condom size does. Problem is, the “standard” condom size is no match for the vast diversity of the world’s penis sizes. “Condoms don’t fit me” isn’t just a complaint to get out of condom use, it’s super real for many people. In fact, condoms sold in stores properly fit only 12% of condom users. What if only 12% of clothes properly fit?
The days of squeezing, slipping, bunching (or skipping condoms altogether) are over.

If you’re a chef or a carpenter, measuring is work. For others (including anyone with a penis in their life), measuring can be fun. We asked our myONE customers for their best advice how to bring up measuring, and here’s what they had to say.
“I would love it if my partner told me about fitted condoms and asked if she could measure me. Using the measurement as part of foreplay would be great, especially as an in-the-moment surprise.” – Kevin S
“What guy wouldn’t want a custom-made suit? You can’t have a custom suit without a fitting.” – Anonymous
“My partner literally held up two bananas and asked, ‘Babe, is your penis more like this or this?’ Honestly, it was so funny, I wasn’t embarrassed at all.”
–Reignbeau Heffer
“Just ask about it, it’s not a big deal. We all want shoes and clothes that fit, our condoms should too.” – Ken M
"Honey, I believe in accurate measurements. If you need a nurse costume to feel like you're getting full service from your tape measure, I will be happy to do my part for better fitting protection. ;)” – Nate
“I love your penis but the condom’s don’t fit well on you. I think we could have even better sex with some other condoms.” – Big Dick Arino
“I think the best way to approach it is suggesting measurement so that you get the ‘perfect size for your perfect penis’.” – Beebert

What are the most common fit issues with condoms? Which side do ya measure if it’s curvy? Do you measure on top or bottom? Get the common measuring questions answered.
Measure, Sample, Order. First you either measure with our FitKit or a measuring tape. Don’t have time to measure? Get a size recommendation by answering just 3 questions. Then you’ll see the option to GET SAMPLES, so you can test before you buy or subscribe. Need some help? Contact our super friendly Size Specialists. (Yep, that’s a real title.)
Three easy ways to get the perfect fit.
Tell us about your past experience with condoms, and we'll recommend a myONE size code that will be a better fit for you.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size U22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a better fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size U17.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a better fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size Z11.
This condom will be a better fit in terms of both length and width.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size O77.
This condom will be a better fit in terms of width, while still keeping you covered in length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size Z22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a better fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size G22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a better fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size G21.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a better fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size D22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a great fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size N22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a great fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size M22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size S22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size B22.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size E21.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and also a better fit in terms of length. It's not magic - myONE size E21 is physically shorter than a standard condom, and wider too. It might surprise you to learn that nearly all standard condoms are almost 7" long.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size E11.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard condom and also a better fit in terms of length. It's not magic - myONE size E11 is physically shorter than a standard condom. It might surprise you to learn that nearly all standard condoms are almost 7" long.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size D11.
This condom will be a better fit in terms of both length and width.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size Z17.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard condom and a great fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size U21.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a better fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size Z21.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a better fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size N21.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom and a great fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size M21.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard or even "XL" condom. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size B17.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard condom. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size N17.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard condom and a great fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size M17.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard condom. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size D17.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard condom and a great fit in terms of length.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size S17.
This condom will be significantly less tight than a standard condom. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size S66.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size S55.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size S77.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size M66.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size B55.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size E55.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size E66.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size B77.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size E77.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size N88.
Although you told us that you found a standard condom 'just right' in both length and width, we still recommended trying out a myONE condom. Based on feedback from customers we learnt that 'just right' can often be improved upon!
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size N99.
This condom will be a great fit in terms of both length and width.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size M99.
This condom will be a great fit in terms of width. And a better fit in terms of length, rather than 'bunching up' at the base.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size B99.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
Based on your inputs, we recommend starting off with myONE size M88.
This condom will be a better fit for your needs rather than significantly too long like a standard condom. Did you know, even 'Slim' or 'Snug' condoms are still nearly 7 inches long? It will also stay securely in place, rather than slipping or falling off entirely.
If you've got a measuring tape, that'll work best. You can also use a ruler and a piece of paper or string. Measure your length and circumference, then enter the information below to receive your myONE size code.
Why do we use mm instead of inches? Millimeters tend to be a little more accurate. Here's an inches to mm converter to help you out just in case: