PRESS RELEASE: MyONE® Perfect Fit announces Measure A Penis Day to get people talking about penis size and condom fit

BOSTON: What’s more uncomfortable than a poorly fitting condom? A conversation about a poorly fitting condom. Until today.

Kicking off National Condom Month—and with two weeks to go before Valentine’s Day— myONE® condoms invites everyone to celebrate the first-ever Measure A Penis Day on February 1st, 2020, by talking openly about penis size and condom fit.

When you observe the “holiday”—by measuring your own penis or a consenting penis in your life—you can make a potentially awkward conversation intimate and fun, while discovering which size code from myONE®’s 60 condom sizes is the perfect fit.

Top complaints about condoms: they don’t fit, and they’re uncomfortable. Measure A Penis Day brings those problems out into the open—and helps people spark conversations about how to solve them. This is something to celebrate, given that previously available condoms properly fit only about 12 percent of condom users.  

MyONE® Perfect Fit by ONE® Condoms offers a game-changing 60 different condom sizes, in combinations of 10 lengths and 9 girths. These include sizes smaller and larger than any other brand in the world. Poor condom fit contributes to issues like condom slippage, loss of sensation, loss of erection, and difficulty achieving orgasm.

“Many of our customers talk about what a life-changing experience it is to finally have a condom that doesn’t cause squeezing, pinching, or slipping off,” says Milla Impola, Director of Marketing and Senior Size Specialist at ONE®. “Whether it’s pants, bras, shoes or condoms — it just makes sense that people want to wear products that fit right and feel comfortable. It’s a highlight of my day to hear stories from our customers about what a true difference proper condom fit makes not only for comfort and pleasure, but also for relationships. On Measure A Penis Day, we’re making it easy to size yourself (or your partner) up, down, and all around.” 

MyONE® offers tools and tips to measure for pleasure, and find measurements that will help condom users, and their partners, find the perfect fit. People can use the myONE® FitKit® measuring tool downloadable at (or their own measuring tape), or take a myONE® questionnaire that analyzes previous condom experiences to deliver a size recommendation.

But proper measurement itself is only part of Measure A Penis Day. In many cases, the challenge isn’t just having the right tools—it’s finding the right words. MyONE’s Size Specialists frequently hear from people whose partners complain about or resist wearing condoms due to poor fit, but who don’t know how to bring up measuring in a conversation.

As part of Measure A Penis Day, myONE® is sharing some sex-life-changing advice, sourced from myONE® customers themselves. “Fortunately, our customers are extremely clever,” says Milla Impola. “They’ve been there. They’ve done this. So, we went directly to the source and asked myONE® customers to share their best advice for bringing up measuring in a conversation.”

Whether part of foreplay, roleplay, using humor, or going direct, there’s plenty of styles to spark a conversation about condom fit. “My partner literally held up two bananas and asked, ‘Babe, is your penis more like this or this?’ Honestly, it was so funny, I wasn’t embarrassed at all,” says a myONE® customer. Another commented, “Just ask about it, it’s not a big deal. We all want shoes and clothes that fit, our condoms should too.”

Measure A Penis Day promotes healthy relationships, body- and sex-positivity, and open conversations—between partners and in society—about anatomy, sex, and pleasure. That purpose is particularly important to Davin Wedel, who founded ONE® Condoms’ parent company Global Protection Corp. in 1987 to help prevent HIV transmission by making condoms as socially acceptable as toothpaste.

About ONE®: Launched in 2004, the ONE® brand ( strives to increase condom usage and facilitate conversations about sexual health by surprising, delighting, and engaging people in ways no one else can. As a leader in premium-branded condoms and lubricants in North America, ONE® brings a fresh perspective to sexual health through a fusion of advanced product design, manufacturing technology, customer participation, and social responsibility. ONE® is a member of the Global Protection Corp. family of sexual health products founded by Davin Wedel with a mission to make condoms as socially acceptable as toothpaste.

Contact: | 617-480-9239 |

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